Disclaimer – Sukano AG, Switzerland

This information is based on Sukano´s current state of knowledge and is intended to provide general notes on its products and their uses. Sukano seeks to present reliable information concerning the composition, properties and use of its products, services and processes. However Sukano AG does not warrant for the accuracy and completeness of the information offered, nor for the fitness of any product, method, or apparatus mentioned for any specific use. Characteristics mentioned in this documentation are in no way express warranties. Any user of Sukano´s product is responsible for determining its suitability for its particular application. Any existing intellectual and/or industrial property rights must be observed. The responsibility regarding the observance of third-party rights in the course of a subsequent processing and marketing of our products lies with the buyer. No assumption should be made that all safety or environmental protection measures are indicated, nor that other measures may not be required. Sukano does not take any responsibility or liability for any information offered herein. SUKANO® is a registered trademark of Sukano Finance AG, Switzerland. The copyright of the present documentation remains with Sukano AG.

Disclaimer– Sukano Polymers Corporation, USA

This information is based on Sukano’s current state of knowledge and is intended to provide general notes on its products and their uses. Sukano seeks to present reliable information concerning the composition, properties and use of its products, services and processes. However, Sukano Polymers Corporation does not warrant for the accuracy and completeness of the information offered, nor for the fitness of any product, method, or apparatus mentioned for any specific use. Characteristics mentioned in this documentation are in no way express warranties. Any user of Sukano’s product is responsible for determining its suitability for its particular application. Any existing intellectual and/or industrial property rights must be observed. The responsibility regarding the observance of third-party rights in the course of a subsequent processing and marketing of our products lies with the buyer. No assumption should be made that all safety or environmental protection measures are indicated, nor that other measures may not be required. Sukano does not take any responsibility or liability for any information offered herein. SUKANO® is a registered trademark of Sukano Finance AG, Switzerland. The copyright of the present documentation remains with Sukano Polymers Corporation.

Disclaimer – Sukano Sdn Bhd, Malaysia

This information is based on Sukano’s current state of knowledge and is intended to provide general notes on its products and their uses. Sukano seeks to present reliable information concerning the composition, properties and use of its products, services and processes. However, Sukano Sdn Bhd does not warrant for the accuracy and completeness of the information offered, nor for the fitness of any product, method, or apparatus mentioned for any specific use. Characteristics mentioned in this documentation are in no way express warranties. Any user of Sukano’s product is responsible for determining its suitability for its particular application. Any existing intellectual and/or industrial property rights must be observed. The responsibility regarding the observance of third-party rights in the course of a subsequent processing and marketing of our products lies with the buyer. No assumption should be made that all safety or environmental protection measures are indicated, nor that other measures may not be required. Sukano does not take any responsibility or liability for any information offered herein. SUKANO® is a registered trademark of Sukano Finance AG, Switzerland. The copyright of the present documentation remains with Sukano Sdn Bhd.

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